
Showing posts from October, 2017

TIBCO | Admin - Rolling deployment

One of the important feature of enterprise application is to implement changes dynamically without affecting user experience. TIBCO applications can be configured in similar ways. This is called as rolling deployment or restart. We can dynamically change application with new EAR file and/or Global value configuration. Note : This is applicable only where deployed application is in multi-instance state. ie. app is deployed on 2 or more machines.

Spring | Using TIBCO EMS with Spring framework

TIBCO EMS can be use with Spring Framework to support message publishing and subscription. Spring provides JMS template to send JMS messages and @JmsListener/ MessageListener to subscribe it. Steps 1 : Create new project in eclipse or IntelliJ Idea Create new project with Spring dependency. We can use maven to add all required libs for this project. Maven takes care of adding referred java libs to build path. TIBCO JMS jars need to be added to build path. Pom.xml will be as follows. As you can see in above pom file we have added TIBCO JMS and Spring JMS dependency. Step 2 : Create JMS bean configuration file(Jms-conf.xml) Next we will create bean configuration file. It will set JNDI and JMS properties. We can use same JMS listener class to subscribe multiple queues and topics. Spring bean configuration take care of JMS transport setup. Env variables values can be provided via properties file. Step 3 : Create JMS Queue/Topic sender and Listner ...