
Showing posts from October, 2016

TIBCO | For Loop - Accumulate output

In this post we will check how TIBCO for loop works. TIBCO provides Group Activity to iterate over processes or activities. Loops can be different types eg. For Loop, While util loop, if loop, repeat on error etc. TIBCO group can loop over sub-process and accumulate output in end activity to be used by next activities. TIBCO For loop with Accumulate output repeats over process/activity and return output of each iteration in output activity. This is helpful where we want to call sub-process repeatably with different input parameters and store each output in some variable.

TIBCO | Working with REST and JSON Plugin

In this post we will check how to handle JSON datatype using TIBCO Designer. TIBCO Designer does not comes with built in JSON Palette in version 5.7.X. We need to install REST Plugin in order to use REST/JSON Palettes.  JSON  is lightweight datatype used in many systems mainly in web applications. JSON is lightweight as it does not require any XSD. We still can  use XML XSD in TIBCO to convert XML to JSON and vise versa. Activities : Render JSON - Converts XML data string to JSON String Parse JSON   - Converts JSON String to XML data string 

TIBCO | EMS Message Transfer Utility

In this post we will be creating TIBCO EMS utility to transfer messages from one EMS instance to other EMS instance(from Domain 1 to Domain 2). Developer needs to keep some utilities handy to resolve production issues. Some times it happens that due to wrong EMS configuration in deployment  steps messages meant for DOMAIN-1 get routed to DOMAIN-2 or other domains  and piled up there. This messages can not be purged as messages are important from enterprise point of view(Order messages, transaction messages). Below steps will create TIBCO BW utility to transfer messages, we can also create same utility with help of Java code. 

TIBCO | Taking ROOT Code of deployed BW Project

In this post I will be covering how to take root code of deployed TIBCO BW Project. Most of the times it happens with developers that code works on his machine but doesn't in deployed version. TIBCO deployed configuration can be downloaded and tested locally.  This also help developers to restore the code version if same version of code lost from SVN. 

TIBCO | Point local DEV environment to other environment

While developing or debugging TIBCO BW application there comes a situation where a developer needs to point its local dev project to one of the test environments.  TIBCO Designer provides feature to point to other environments without changing current  Global Variables  containing Dev properties(Such as JMS details). This important to debug the deployed code with current dev code. In coming post I will we giving steps to take deployed code(Root code) and debug it.  With TIBCO Designer with can provide configuration file(.cfg file) and change the GVs before running code in test mode.

TIBCO | JMS Queues configuration

In previous post we check how dynamic queues are created, in this post we will be checking how to configure JMS response queues. We can replace JMS Queue requester activity with JMS Queue Sender and wait for JMS design pattern. As TIBCO solution is implemented for large enterprises the LOAD balancing is important part. Normally single instance of TIBCO BW application is deployed in TIBCO Admin. For production environments multiple instances of same application are run on different machines for load balancing.

TIBCO | JMS Queues

TIBCO provides EMS(Enterprise Message Service) for performing message communication with various system and internal processes. As explain in earlier post main purpose of EMS implementation is message transportation with reliable channel. TIBCO provides reliable message service by persisting messages in file store/DB stores etc. There is 100% guarantee of messages being delivered to receiver system. TIBCO JMS related activities are well explained in TutorialsPedia blog. In this post we will be covering dynamic queues, Request/Response dynamic queues.